
Focusing Leaders Network (FLN) is not a seminar or program. It is a PROCESS of discovering God's calling in an individual life. In the process the participants will discover their Personal Calling as they are led to answer what we believe are the 3 crucial questions in life...
- Where have you been?
- Where are you going?
- Who can help you get there?

FLN builds up a community of learning and networking over 6 months. Participants meet as a group one whole day each month to reflect on structured materials. Often strong relationships are formed through the interaction. Between each group meeting they are provided with individual one-on-one coaching. The major objective is they are given a tool to discover their Personal Calling and to multiply it with others.
Focus Living Seminar is for those whose schedule does not permit them to commit to the intensive FLN process. FL takes the form of a 2-full day seminar. The participants benefit is learning the tool they need to discover their Personal Calling. It is different from FLN in that less modules are covered and also there is no one-on-one coaching provided.