
Everyone is a leader. As long you have an influence on someone, you are a leader. What should characterize a leader? How does he lead effectively, function in a team, and multiplying his legacy as well as finishing well?

Dr J Robert Clinton’s “The Making of a Leader” provides 5 Phases of the Developing Leader:

  1. Sovereign Foundations
  2. Inner Life Growth
  3. Ministry Maturing
  4. Life Maturing
  5. Convergence
  6. After Glow or Celebration Phase

These topics are dwelt with in our Networks and seminars. You may wish to make further enquires by contacting us at: Rev. Charles Tan 84441002 or by email.

One of our leadership seminars was conducted by a strategist, Mr. Keith Uebele and NOVO Singapore team has benefited with the proposed plan for direction.